Alison Meacher appointed to Equality & Human Rights Commission’s panel of counsel

We are delighted to report that Alison Meacher has been appointed to Equality & Human Rights Commission’s panel of counsel.
Alison practices across a broad spectrum of public and human rights law and traditional chancery.
The focus of Alison’s public and human rights law practice relates to the needs of vulnerable adults including mental capacity and mental health law, community care and adult social services, social housing management and allocation, health care law, NHS continuing health care, care homes, charging for care home fees, safeguarding, social welfare entitlement, public procurement and local government powers and duties within these areas.
She has a wealth of experience advising and representing local authorities, charities and commercial organisations providing services in the health or social care sector. She is also instructed by individuals, the Official Solicitor (as litigation friend to an incapacitated adult), attorneys, deputies and family members.
Please contact the practice management team if you would like more information.