The following information is provided in accordance with the Provision of Services Regulation 2009.
Gatehouse Chambers is a limited liability company trading as Gatehouse Chambers.
Business name
Gatehouse Chambers Limited. All mention of “Gatehouse Chambers” on this website is a reference to “Gatehouse Chambers Limited”.
Legal status
Gatehouse Chambers is a company registered in England & Wales under company number 12744185
Registered office
1 Lady Hale Gate
Gray’s Inn
We can be contacted by post at the above address; by telephone on +44 (0)20 7242 2523; by emailing; or by DX LDE 393.
Our website
Opening hours
Gatehouse Chambers is open from 8.30am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.
Gatehouse Chambers’ VAT number
356 212 612
Gatehouse Chambers and its barristers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to provide legal services in England and Wales. The BSB’s contact details are:
The Bar Standards Board
289-293 High Holborn
London WC1V 7HZ
+44 (0) 20 7611 1444
Employers’ liability insurance
Gatehouse Chambers is insured for Employers’ Liability for £20m with Chubb European Group Limited/Aspen Risk Management Ltd/Allianz Insurance plc.
Professional indemnity insurance
Every barrister must have professional indemnity insurance and this is provided by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund (BMIF) which provides cover to individual barristers up to £2.5m. Members of chambers may choose to take additional top up insurance cover depending on their practice requirements. Details of this additional cover can be supplied upon request.
Terms of business
When instructed by a solicitor, our published standard terms of work are the current version of the Combar/CLLS Terms on Payment Basis A. Please download these terms here. We will consider alternative terms of engagement but are not obliged to accept instructions on such terms. It should be noted that we will not necessarily apply any alternative agreed terms to each and every new instruction received in the same matter.
Members of the public who come to us will be sent our standard contract, which covers what we will do for you and what it will cost. Please see the direct access section of this website for more information.
Applicable law
Unless otherwise agreed, the English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning our services or any matter arising from it.