Gatehouse Chambers is committed to offering opportunities for young people to have access to the Bar and life in chambers to provide information, make connections and demystify what it’s like inside a barristers’ chambers.
We have been running a successful and sought-after programme of work experience placements for many years.
If you have any general enquiries, please email
We are particularly keen to encourage students from state schools, minority ethnic backgrounds and from lower than average socio-economic backgrounds to apply, as these groups tend to be under-represented in the legal profession.
How to apply
We will be hosting work experience placements in Autumn 2025, please check in for updates and more information in July on how to apply.
Student Placements
We are part of the Bridging the Bar scheme, 10,000 Black Interns, Combar Mentoring and Pegasus Scheme which enables you to apply for a short placement at Gatehouse Chambers. Further details on how to apply can be found on their websites. Please note we do not accept applications for student placements/internships directly.