Working with us
Members of Gatehouse Chambers are self-employed, independent practitioners who share premises and administration. They are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
The Barristers’ Register, which may be found here on the BSB’s website, is an online database which displays details of all barristers who are authorised to practise in England and Wales and who hold a current practising certificate. The Register displays the dates for which a barrister’s practising certificate is valid. It includes information about barristers’ practising status, the reserved legal activities they are authorised to undertake and whether they have been the subject of any disciplinary findings.
Our contractual terms
When instructed by a solicitor, our published standard terms of work are the current version of the Combar/CLLS Terms on Payment Basis A. Please download these terms here. We will consider alternative terms of engagement but are not obliged to accept instructions on such terms. It should be noted that we will not necessarily apply any alternative agreed terms to each and every new instruction received in the same matter.
How we work with Licensed Access and Direct Public Access clients can be found here.
First point of contact
Whether you are a solicitor or a member of the public and you would like to instruct a barrister at Gatehouse Chambers, we suggest in the first instance you call or email us and speak to a member of our practice management team. The practice management team can help you identify the barrister/s with the right expertise, experience and availability you need for your case to enable you to make a selection.
You may already have in mind the barrister you would like to instruct, therefore a conversation with the practice management team will enable us to check on availability so that we can be sure of giving you the best service possible and manage your expectations.
The work we do
The areas of work in which members of Gatehouse Chambers most commonly provide legal services are described under Our expertise and in more detail in the profile of each barrister. The legal services most commonly provided are advocacy and advisory.
Charging for our services
We understand legal services can be an expensive process. Our barristers bring their commitment to a flexible, client focused service to the arrangement of their fees. Whilst we charge reasonable market rates commensurate with the service provided, we are always willing to discuss the way our fees, and their payment, are structured in order to find a solution that works for our clients as well as us.
Once sufficient information is available, the practice management team will be able to provide a quotation, which will be prepared as promptly as possible and in clear and readily understandable terms.
Our barristers can work on agreed fixed fees and/or an agreed hourly rate for the time spent, recognising that every client and every case is different. Individual barristers will also consider working on a case under 100% or mixed ‘Conditional Fee Agreement’ arrangements, or undertaking work being funded by litigation funders. Please talk to our practice management team who will guide you through the options.
In addition to professional fees we charge the cost of all reasonable disbursements that we incur. These can include travelling expenses, accommodation, couriers, photocopying, printing and other incidental expenses. VAT will be added where applicable.
Time scales for the provision of work
The time scale within which a barrister will be able to provide any work will vary depending on such factors as availability, the complexity of the case, the volume of documentation and the need for additional documents or information. The barrister will supply the services by or on such dates as may be agreed with the solicitor or client or where no specific date has been agreed within a reasonable time having regard to the urgency and nature of the services.
Client confidentiality
We recognise the absolute importance of client confidentiality and both our barristers and practice managers understand that they have a duty to keep the affairs of each client confidential. We have a protocol to safeguard confidentiality within chambers, especially where members of Gatehouse Chambers represent conflicting interests.