1 Lady Hale Gate, Gray’s Inn, London, WC1X 8BS
The topic for discussion will be section 69 of the English Arbitration Act and Manifest Disregard of the Law as a ground in the US, for challenging an arbitral award on an error of law.
- Registration at 11am
- Lunch at 12.30pm
- Frederico Singarajah – Gatehouse Chambers
- Carlos Carvalho – Opus 2
- Hugh Carlson – Three Crowns
- Kabir Duggal – Arnold Porter
- Samantha Rowe – Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
- Camilla Gambarini – Withers Worldwide
Please use the LIDW website to register for these events.
If you have any questions, please email events@gatehouselaw.co.uk.