Hardwicke sees multiple cases in The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases for 2021

The Lawyer has today published what it considers to be the top 20 cases of 2021 and these include:
- Skatteforvaltningen v Solo Capital Partners & Ors: in which Nigel Jones QC and Laurence Page act for the principal defendants. Various other members of Hardwicke have been involved including PJ Kirby QC, Stephen Lennard, Edward Rowntree, Charlotte John and Simon Kerry. The case has been described by Mr Justice Baker as “litigation on a massive scale” in this claim for £1.5bn in respect of an alleged fraud relating to fraudulent application to claim refunds of dividend withholding tax.
- WM Morrisons Supermarkets Plc & Neerock Ltd v Lorien Engineering Solutions Ltd & Ors: sees David Pliener and Catherine Piercy acting for the fourth defendants. Food supply chains are a hot potato post-Brexit and this dispute is a battle over allegedly defective refurbishment of an abattoir leading to a substantial loss of profits claim.
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