****Please note that this event is fully subscribed. Please contact events@gatehouselaw.co.uk to be added to the reserve list.****
Everything you need to know about franchise law updates and the Barnier effect
Hardwicke’s annual franchising conference will be taking place on Tuesday, 28 November 2017.
You will find a detailed programme for the event below.
The final slot in the programme will involve delegate input. As a franchising specialist, we would like to hear from you with any ‘hot topic’ which the panel can research in advance and the attendees can then discuss in an open forum. Whether it’s about the need to include all ‘representations’ in a schedule, operating a three-line-whip at annual franchisees’ conferences or even how to choose the best forum for a particular dispute, we would love to hear from you. The panel will spend about 5-10 minutes on a selection of the topics put forward.
09:00 Registration
09:30 Keynote
10:00 The GIG Economy and a Case Law round-up
10:45 Professional Negligence Claims for Franchise Lawyers
11:45: Arbitration, Med-Arb, Jurisdiction, Governing Law
12:45: Lunch
13:45: The EU, Brexit and Data Protection
14:30: eDisclosure: Where we are and where we are heading
14:45: Panel Discussion
15:30: Closing of the Conference