Fiona Scolding co-authors ‘Health and Social Care Handbook’
Health and Social Care Handbook This concise and practical book provides a clear explanation of health and social care law. It is designed to help advisers navigate the extensive regulations and direct them to the key issues relevant to their clients. It outlines the duties, rights and remedies for users of health and social care, their carers and advisers, including: > the overarching principles and responsibilities of the NHS and social services > the role of education and housing departments > assessments for social support services > the provision of health care, continuing NHS health care, community health services and charging for NHS services > discharge from hospital under the Community Care (Delayed Discharges) Act 2003 > complaints procedures, disputes and remedies. The Health and Social Handbook will prove invaluable to lawyers, advisers, local authorities, charities and carers responsible for giving advice to users of the health and social care system in England and Wales. The Health and Social Handbook is published by the Law Society. Fiona Scolding is a barrister at Hardwicke Building, London where she specialises in education, community care and housing law.Caroline Bielanska is a solicitor, lecturer, freelance consultant and joint chair of solicitors for the Elderly.