Frederico Singarajah leads Bar Council mission to Brazil
The Bar Council’s International Committee is organising a third business development mission to Brazil from 19 – 23 June 2017. The visit, headed by Chairman of the Bar Council, Andrew Langdon QC, and organised by Frederico Singarajah of Hardwicke aims to raise the profile of the Bar within the Brazilian legal market and to promote the services barristers can offer Brazilian lawyers and clients.
The programme will include:
• Market Briefing with UKTI in São Paulo
• Roundtable discussion with legal organisations and/or representatives from bar associations
• Visits to law firms
• Substantive law seminars in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte
• Networking receptions, and
• Opportunities for individual business meetings.
If you would like more information, please contact Fred on 020 7242 2523 or