JX MX (Protected Party) v. AX SX (Widow and Executrix of the Estate of PX SX, Deceased)
Very high value catastrophic brain injury claim pleaded at in excess of £10 million. Young girl (‘C’) knocked down on pedestrian crossing by car driver sustaining catastrophic brain injury giving rise to ‘locked-in’ syndrome. Liability settled at 90:10 (approved by the High Court November 2012) with 10% discount for contributory negligence, as C started to cross before green man showing. Quantum is on-going and gives rise to novel issues given C’s extensive medical needs, the challenges of communication and the fact that she has returned to complete her secondary education.
Charles Bagot is acting for the Defendant’s insurers, Acromas, instructed by Kennedys LLP.
Leader: Stephen Worthington QC
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