#HardwickeBrews are online, informal Zoom chats aimed at keeping everyone up to date and giving us all a forum in which to exchange opinions and experiences.
So, armed with your coffee/tea or other beverage, please join the Hardwicke CDR Team on 17th June 2020 to discuss some of the issues being raised by the recent Covid-19 situation. The discussion will be led by Emily Betts, Rajiv Bhatt and Priya Gopal with Edward Rowntree moderating. They will be looking at corporate attribution, the Supreme Court’s decision in Singularis v Daiwa Capital Markets Ltd [2019] UKSC 50 and the ambit of the Quincecare duty.
Please get in touch with Rajiv if you have any questions on this topic. You will also be able to do this during the #HardwickeBrew itself.
Wandering children or pets always welcome!
If you would like to join in the chat, please e-mail: events@gatehouselaw.co.uk