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Court of Protection

We regularly appear in the Court of Protection (including the High Court), dealing with disputes over the welfare and property of adults lacking capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005....

Contentious Probate & Inheritance Act claims

Gatehouse Chambers’ practitioners have an unrivalled expertise in all forms of contentious probate and inheritance act claims. In respect of wills, members’ frequently encounter issues concerning testamentary capacity, forgery, rectification...

Social welfare & benefits

Claims our barristers are instructed in often involve points of legal principle, and have major implications for public spending. As well as providing accurate and responsive advice, we offer an...

Trusts including TOLATA

Members of chambers at every level of seniority deal with all aspects of trusts and trust of land disputes whether contentious or non-contentious and in both commercial or domestic contexts....

Professional liability

Members of our market-leading and substantial Professional Liability team are frequently instructed to act in claims for or against solicitors, barristers, engineers, architects, surveyors, project managers, accountants, auditors, actuaries, financial...

Property & construction professionals

As a result of Gatehouse Chambers’ position as a leading construction and property chambers, our “very commercial, very efficient and very smart” (Chambers UK) practitioners are genuine experts in handling...

Clinical negligence & personal injury


Gatehouse Chambers is recognised as a leading property set by the legal directories, which comment on our strength and depth in all areas of property work at both silk and...

Housing (social & privately rented)

Gatehouse Chambers’ property team is recognised as outstanding in all matters concerning social and private rented property. Our expertise covers all aspects of repossession, disrepair, breach of covenant, anti-social injunctions...

Leasehold & leasehold management

Gatehouse Chambers’ large team of leasehold barristers provides representation and advice at all levels of seniority across the range of leasehold and leasehold management disputes. Our members have been instructed...

Commercial landlord & tenant

We are leaders in the commercial property sector. Our clients range from pension funds, the major London estates, high-street retailers, and individual business tenants and landlords of modest means. We...

Development & planning

We offer comprehensive expert advice and representation relating to real estate developments. We handle the issues that can arise at all the various stages of development projects, ranging from party...