Our next Insolvency #HardwickeBrew will take place at 4pm on Thursday, 16 July.
The CIGA significantly restricts the options available to creditors of companies and LLPs but has not changed the position in relation to non-corporate debtors. This #HardwickeBrew hosted by Aileen McErlean, Phillip Patterson and Ryan Hocking will discuss the potential shift of emphasis in the approach of creditors including steps that can be taken to enforce personal guarantees of corporate debts.
So armed with whatever drink you need to get you through these lockdown days, join us to discuss what’s next for creditors post Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act.
#HardwickeBrews are online, informal Zoom chats aimed at keeping everyone up to date and giving us all a forum in which to exchange opinions and experiences.
Please feel free to get in touch with Emily Husain, who will be moderating, if you would like to pose any questions or make any comments on these issues in advance of the brew. You will of course also be able to ask questions and make comments during the #HardwickeBrew itself.
As always, wandering children and pets welcome!
If you would like to join in, please indicate this by emailing: events@gatehouselaw.co.uk.
We look forward to catching up at a safe social distance.